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Hi, my name is Alecia Botha

I'm a trained mental health and wellness coach with a background in psychology. I'm passionate about helping my clients create positive change in their lives.

My journey

After finishing school, my family immigrated from South Africa to the beautiful New Zealand, which I have been calling my home for the last 17 years.

Since then I have met my husband, had kids and decided to pursue a career in Psychology. With my busy lifestyle and serious lack of time, I started to feel very overwhelmed and under pressure. One night after my kids went to bed I decided that I couldn’t live this busy lifestyle without looking at making some changes to my health and lifestyle.

I reached out to a health coach for some help and this is where my whole perspective on life started to change. I realised how much our lifestyle and daily choices impact us.

After going through the journey with a health coach, I became really passionate about helping others in the way that I have been helped. I believe that everybody can make small changes that can lead to major improvements in physical and mental health.

I work alongside my clients to reach their goals and to achieve each step on their own, with me there to cheer them on.

No matter where you come from, where you want to end up or what your goal is, each day is an opportunity to make it happen and I would love to work with you.

You can do this, so what are you waiting for…..??

My passion is helping people overcome their challenges and achieve their goals.

Health and Mental Health Coach 

Today, I'm proud to be a trained metal health and wellness coach with a diverse set of skills and experience. My clients appreciate my warm and compassionate approach, as well as my ability to provide practical guidance and support.

If you're ready to take the next step on your journey, I would be honored to work with you. Contact me to learn more about my services and how I can support you.